Saturday, June 6, 2009

Business Model Innovation Matters

Check out this SlideShare Presentation....this is a great way to get your business moving down innovation road.


Friday, June 5, 2009


Those are pretty much our thoughts 0n blogging. We started this with the best intentions; we had hoped to keep fresh content flowing every week; excuse...excuse...excuse. To be honest with all of you, we're really not that into the whole blogging thing.

*Gasp* *Shock & Awe*

Before you grab your pitch forks and throwing stones consider this:

So much attention is given to the places information and social technology can take a business, we've seemed to have forgotten the power of simple one on one conversation. As we tell many of our clients, we are a business built on real relationships with real people. Once a firm understanding has been found we weave in technology as it becomes appropriate to the tasks at hand. We won't say that every business should run this way but what should be noted is that the power of a hand shake shouldn't be forgotten.

On the other hand, we need to be more responsible. We are a firm that has a lot to offer and during prime transitional times such as these, we need to be more vocal about the beautiful opportunities intelligent business strategies can bring both of us. For what it's worth, please stay tuned in.

Until next week friends....