Monday, May 4, 2009

Intelligence: The Silent Business Killer

Starting and running a business is the dumbest investment one could ever make. The odds will never be in your favor; especially when customers are as fickle as teething children. How do you safeguard your investment and create the life style you entered the business for? It all starts with your ability to think intelligently about your business. If your mind is on the paycheck your business should provide, you've already failed. The reason you've failed is simply-business is the biggest ego trip you will ever encounter. To play and win its game, you have to consistently and relentlessly outsmart it.

According to Wikipedia, "intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn." You may be saying to yourself " I'm not really that intelligent. I just know how to survive" In response to that we'd ask that you stay tuned to our blog. It's possible that you're a business owner, not an entrepreneur.

So how do you use intelligence to grow success brands and extravagent business systems? That question is suprisingly easy to answer:

1. Take 3-5 hours per week to THINK and PLAN! Know your next move before the consumers.
let you know you need to.

2. Swim in Blue Oceans.

3. Develop a deep understanding of the emotional triggers that make your consumer buy. Knowing this will allow you to control your ability to generate income in any economy for one reason-demand will create the need for supply rather then supply depending on demand.

Follow these rules and you'll be an intelligent entrepreneur and/or business owner in no time.

Remember-success isn't something you become, it's something you become aware of. Don't waste it!

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